Saturday, May 29, 2010

30 days post jugular Angioplasty

Hello All,
Yes I had my 30 day follow up. The news was not bad. Originally the velocity on my left jugular vein was 300 when it should be between 40-50. And on the right side it was 260. Dr. D opened my veins to a 40 velocity on both sides. 30 days later the right side is still at a 40!!! Yeah that's great news! However the left side went up to an 84. They are not going to re-angioplasty it because an 84 is still way better than a 300, however I have to go back in 30 more days to see if it closes more. If so I might have to have another angioplasty if not I'm good.

I'm feeling great! My headaches have gone away. I have not had one headache in 30 days knock on wood. I used to get them about once every week. So that is a major improvement. I finally feel like I have energy again. Today was one of the first days I felt like myself again.

So I am staying positive. If the Doctors aren't worried than I'm not either. I spoke with my MS Dr. about the news and he said, " we are learning that it is not just the velocity Tisa, but that the blood is flowing away from the brain or down." My blood is flowing in the right direction so that is good. He will also check me in 30 days to see if my lesions are going away and make sure that there is no disease progression. SO I guess we will just stay positive and wait another 30 days. Thanks for all your concern and support, T


  1. Hi Tisa, Thank you again for this post. I'm learning more and more with each of your updates. You're doing a great job!!
    God Bless

  2. I'm glad to see you posted...I'd been waiting to hear word from you on how I went. if you say things are good I am happy. I honestly don't understand the numbers and velocity lingo. As long as you're feeling good - that's great!!!

  3. Tisa, BTW-Marica is Marcia Ackerman

  4. thats great news keep us updated

  5. Good news Tisa. I am extremely happy for you girl! Keep going and please, keep blogging.

  6. Congratulations, Tisa. Thanks for the update.

  7. Onward and upward! Great news...looking forward to hearing more good well young lady!
